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M-Enabling Summit

The M-Enabling Summit Conference and Showcase is dedicated to promoting digital environments and assistive technologies for senior citizens and users of all abilities. It is an annual meeting place for all who implement digital inclusion strategies or develop assistive solutions and accessible digital content and services for workplaces, learning environments or consumer markets. With its theme of “Strategies for Inclusive Digital Transformations,” the 2021 M-Enabling Summit will highlight the major shifts in business, government and education driven by the pandemic that will affect anyone involved in inclusion, accessibility, services to Persons with Disabilities or compliance matters. A rich sharing of experience and interactions among advocates, business leaders and technology providers will provide insights on how to best meet the imperative to ensure that Persons with Disabilities have full access to critical digital content and services.

Monday, Oct 4-5, 2021
Topic Area: Digital Accessibility
Target Audience: All audiences
Provider: G3ict
This class or event is (select all that apply): Web Conference
Is this available to all Federal employees?: Yes
Is this available to the public?: Yes
Registration Link: Register

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