PROGRAM Day 1: Tuesday, October 11
12:00 PM – 12:10 PM
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Yvette Gibson, Training & Outreach Director, General Services Administration
12:10 PM – 1:00 PM
Accessible Meetings: Integrating Captioning in Conference Platforms During this session you will learn how to integrate Real-Time Captioning/Computer Assisted Real-Time Transcription (CART), and key requirements for public events & webinars.
Videos for All: Strategies for Developing Audio Described Videos While video and multimedia can be great vehicles to communicate with the public and with internal audiences, making those videos fully accessible can be a challenge! This workshop will offer tips and tricks for generating audio described videos, including strategies for developing audio descriptions for both technical and general audiences.
1:10 PM – 2:00 PM
The Human Reason for Accessibility (Part 1) Presenters will introduce foundational accessibility concepts, such as ableism, disability, social vs. medical models of disability, and societal benefits of accessibility.
Captioning Multimedia - Is It As Complicated As It Sounds? While captioning might seem straightforward - it's as simple as typing out what you hear, right? And auto-captioning is available everywhere - providing good captioning takes a little something extra. In this workshop, you’ll learn about captioning types for prerecorded media, best practices for grammar and editing, captioning workflows, and some of the latest tools to quickly and correctly caption your videos, no matter what platform you want to load them into.
2:10 PM – 3:00 PM
The Human Reason for Accessibility (Part 2) Presenters will build on Part 1, foundational concepts of accessibility, to explore with attendees how we can help remove environmental, institutional, and attitudinal barriers to an accessible workplace.
Section 508 PMs - What You Need To Know New to managing a 508 program? Not sure where to start? Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Remember, you don’t need to know everything on day one. In this session get inspired by hearing how Accessibility Programs, across agencies, use the Section 508 Playbook to learn, grow, and adapt it to their cultural and technical environment.
3:10 PM – 4:00 PM
Creating Accessible PDF Forms Learn how to make your PDF forms Section 508 conformant using Adobe tools.
Section 508 PMs - Using What You Know Building on the previous session, Section508 PMs - What You Need to Know, panelists will discuss using best practices in the real world, baselining, and moving forward.
4:00 PM – 4:10 PM
Yvette Gibson, Training & Outreach Director, General Services Administration
Stephen Harding, Director of Digital Strategies, General Services Administration
PROGRAM Day 2: Wednesday, October 12
10:00 AM – 10:05 AM
Welcome and Speaker Introduction
Gary Morin, Section 508 Program Manager, National Institutes of Health
10:05 AM – 11:00 AM
General Session
Agency Co-host Greetings
Dennis Papula, Deputy Director, Office of the Chief Information Officer, National Institutes of Health
Jason Hitchcock, Director, Office of Information Technology Policy Review, National Institutes of Health
Kate Sweeney, Director, Section 508 Program, Health and Human Services
Mark Urban, Accessibility Program Manager, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
11:00 AM – 11:05 AM
11:05 AM – 11:40 AM
Kimberly Knackstedt, Senior Fellow and Co-Director, Disability Economic Justice Collaborative, The Century Foundation
Andrew Nielson, Director, Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, General Services Administration
11:40 AM – 11:50 AM
11:50 AM – 12:30 PM
General Session
Using Technology to Enhance Intersectional Neurodiverse Accessibility at Work
Neurodiversity/Neurodivergence has been defined the range of differences in individual brain function and behavioral traits, regarded as part of normal variation in the human population. Neurodiversity also describes the idea that people experience and interact with the world around them in many different ways; there is no one "right" way of thinking, learning, and behaving, and differences are not viewed as deficits ( Singer 2016, Mottron 2004, Harvard 2022). As more companies broaden their investment in programs, more leaders are adding neuodiversity/neurodivergence to their business vocabularies and programming (DICE, 2021). However, while a growing number of companies are still refining HR processes to hire and retain neurodivere talent; at present, however, there are still many barriers and more work needs to be done. This panel will briefly discuss what intersectional neurodiversity means, the business case for neurodiversity, how each panelist is expanding accessibility though technology for Neurodiverse people with the workplace, how success is measured, best practices and next steps to create holistic inclusive workplaces.
Rhonda Moore, Program Officer Global Mental Health, National Institutes of Health
Susan Daniels, Director of the Office of Autism Research Coordination (OARC) at the National Institute of Mental Health and the Executive Secretary of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC), National Institutes of Health
Dr. Lawrence Fung, Director, Stanford Neurodiversity Project; Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
Jim Hogan, Vice President, Accessibility in Technology, Google
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Breakout Session
Workplace Mental Health - Why It's More Important Than Ever to Focus on the Mental Health of Your Employees. Struggling with human emotions is a universal experience, yet mental health is a topic that gets stigmatized every day in our society. Mental health awareness is on the rise, particularly as COVID-19 continues to drive an epidemic of stress and burnout. That's why it's more important than ever for companies to prioritize employee well-being and mental health. This presents unique challenges in the workplace, going beyond just providing mental health options to creating a workplace in which all employees truly feel supported by employers and connected to one another. This presentation will share one agency's efforts to establish a work culture that embraces mental health, talks about it, and supports employee mental health through the establishment of an Employee Resource Group accessible to all employees and contractors within the National Science Foundation.
Striving for Universal Access: Image Descriptions Since the summer of 2020, more than 1,000 fully accessible textual descriptions of works of art in the National Gallery of Art's collection have gone live and cover 60% of traffic to museum's collection pages. Learn how we leveraged a large-scale, interdepartmental project to make this a reality, from documenting the process through published description guidelines, to focusing on all users through an inclusive design approach which supports the National Gallery's mission for universal access.
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Breakout Session
Beyond 508 Compliance: A Four-Point Hybrid Testing Approach For our new ONRR.gov site, we wanted to ensure the site is accessible from the start. We decided to use a four-point hybrid testing approach. The first step is running automated Lighthouse accessibility reports. We followed up with manual testing with NVDA screen reader. We then worked with a SME with visual disability to review the website. Finally, we iterated the needed fixes with our developer. We'll present learnings from this process.
Mission Accessible Getting the Job Done Mission Accessible, inspired by Mission Impossible, consists of five daily missions delivered via email. Each mission, usually no more than 5 minutes, is focused on one of the following areas ':' Vision, Hearing, Mobility, Speech, and Cognitive. Those participating report out if they completed it and any other observations. It can help people walk in someone else's shoe while learning about features they may not have been aware of (e.g., dictation, and using short cut keys).
3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
Breakout Session
Phases of "Advancing Accessibility" in a Small Agency Sharing Phases of "Advancing Accessibility": - Awareness - People learn about the topic of accessibility
- Acknowledgment - People accept that accessibility is important or how it impacts them and the way they work
- Adaption - People start to change their behavior about accessibility
- Adoption - People's changed behavior becomes habit when considering accessibility
- Advocacy - People help and encourage others to adhere to and apply better behaviors regarding accessibility
The UniDescription Project: Audio Describing the World, One Brochure at a Time For years, the National Park Service and University of Hawaii have partnered to audio describe print brochures. The results: A website rich with resources, open source editing tools, hundreds of trained staff, and over 160 brochures available on an app. All results are informed by research, and collaborators who are blind or low vision. This presentation will provide background, demo the audio description tools you can use, and hear a collaborator's perspective.
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Andrew Nielson, Director, Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, General Services Administration
PROGRAM Day 3: Thursday, October 13
10:00 AM – 10:10 AM
Opening Remarks
Dan Pomeroy, Deputy Associate Administrator, Office of Technology Policy, General Services Administration
10:10 AM – 10:25 AM
Katy Kale, Deputy Administrator, General Services Administration
10:25 AM – 10:35 AM
General Session
Government-wide IT Accessibility Program Update
Andrew Nielson, Director, Government-wide IT Accessibility Program, General Services Administration
10:50 AM – 11:05 AM
Greetings and Keynote Introduction
Krystal Brumfield, Associate Administrator, Office of Government-wide Policy, General Services Administration
11:05 AM – 11:40 AM
Day Al-Mohamed, Director, Disability Policy, White House, Domestic Policy Council
Andrea M. O’Neal, Senior Advisor to the Administrator, General Services Administration
11:50 AM – 12:35 PM
General Session
Accessibility Maturity Models
The Intelligence Community (IC) Information Technology (IT) Accessibility Program Maturity Model, which we developed with the IC IT Accessibility Program Community of Interest (COI). This model was designed to help the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), the IC Chief Information Officer, and IC Elements assess effectiveness of their IT accessibility programs, identify gaps, and help develop the necessary capabilities to improve future performance.
Michael Horton, Senior ICT Accessibility Specialist, General Services Administration
Nancy E. Casper, Information Technology Specialist, Federal Bureau of Investigation
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM
Breakout Session
WCAG 3 - Current Status and Ways to Get Involved The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group is working on WCAG 3, the next generation of digital accessibility standards. This presentation will:- Review the goals for WCAG 3
- Discuss the current status of the work
- Provide an opportunity for immediate feedback
- Review ways to keep up to date and provide ongoing feedback.
Best Practices for Achieving Digital Accessibility Federal acquisition processes for procuring Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide key opportunities to ensure accessible technology is purchased. Best Practices are shared on how Federal Agencies procure accessible ICT as required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The audience is guided through key acquisition lifecycle stages and shows how and when to incorporate digital accessibility requirements. Accessibility Conformance Report creation and evaluation is also reviFederal acquisition processes for procuring Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provide key opportunities to ensure accessible technology is purchased. Best Practices are shared on how Federal Agencies procure accessible ICT as required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The audience is guided through key acquisition lifecycle stages and shows how and when to incorporate digital accessibility requirements. Accessibility Conformance Report creation and evaluation is also reviewed.
2:00 PM – 2:45 PM
Breakout Session
A Different Perspective for Looking at Accessibility In 2022 the 1-in-4 Americans with disabilities continue to experience inequities due to accessibility barriers to electronic information technology (EIT). Access to EIT is a civil right. Even when provided with a reasonable accommodation PWD must identify their own work-a-rounds to reduce barriers. Join us to experience the world from an alternative point of view as panelist share tips and tricks they use daily to increase their productivity and opportunities in the workplace.
Demystifying Section 508: Creating and Evaluating Accessibility Conformance Reports The US Federal Government buys more Information and Communication Technology (ICT) than it builds. To ensure the most accessible ICT is purchased, the Government relies on Industry to provide Accessibility Conformance Reports (ACRs). This presentation shows how ACR creation is a win-win situation for Industry and Government. NASA shares its guide to help industry develop ACRs and promote an understanding of Section 508 by both Industry and Government. Best practices in ACR evaluation are shared.
3:00 PM – 3:45 PM
General Session
Unlocking The Power Of Accessibility - Recognizing & Embracing Your Superpower
Yvette Gibson, Training & Outreach Director, General Services Administration
Dr. Anjali Forber-Pratt, Director, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research
Taryn M. Williams, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment Policy, Department of Labor
3:45 PM – 4:00 PM
Yvette Gibson, Training & Outreach Director, General Services Administration
Stephen Harding, Director of Digital Strategies, General Services Administration
4:00 PM – 4:30 PM
IAAF "After Party"
Stay online to connect with hosts, presenters, and participants from across the country.
Virtual Vendors
Virtual Vendor participation was performed through an open registration and selected on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Federal CIO Council, GSA, partner agencies and other contributing agencies do not endorse the products, services, and claims of participating vendors.
Explore products and services designed to support and enhance the lives of people with disabilities.
- 5 Guys Named Moe, Inc.: We provide full Audio Description services (producing, writing, casting, recording, mixing and deliverables) for all media formats. For more information, contact: Seth Krugliak .
- Access2online Inc. (Find in GSA Contract # 47QTCA21D004D): We audit websites, remediate documents like PDFs, caption videos, and provide extended audio descriptions. We have 15 Trusted Testers certified by the federal Office of Accessible Systems and Technology. For more information, contact: Peter Shikli.
- AccessibilityOz: AccessibilityOz ART is an innovative accessibility reporting tool that makes it easy to comprehensively report on and maximize your site or app's accessibility. For more information, contact: Gian Wild .
- Allyant (CommonLook) (Find in GSA Schedule GS-35F-0161V): We offer many accessibility services and software solutions, spanning print and digital document remediation services, document remediation software, and digital accessibility auditing. For more information, contact: Daniel Sullivan .
- Audio Description Associates, LLC (Find in GSA Schedule GS-10F-0490X): Audio description: production, training, consultation. If captioning is also required, we provide captioning through a subcontract with VITAC. For more information, contact: Joel Snyder .
- e-GovMarket, LLC: e-508 provides instant pricing, tracking and payment for document accessibility remediation. Users can search for prices from a marketplace of small firms, establish BPAs, and select standards. For more information, contact: Tracye Turner .
- Equidox Software Company: Equidox enables PDF accessibility through intelligent, automated solutions. Our software integrates automation to make remediation 90% faster for novice or pro users. Usable on-prem or cloud-based. For more information, contact: Nina Overdorff .
- Global Alliance of Speech-to-Text Captioning: Join us at the Global Alliance of Speech-to-Text Captioning! You will learn about different captioning methods and what to look for when procuring captioning services. We are a 501(c)(6) nonprofit. For more information, contact: Jennifer Schuck .
- iAccessible: At iAccessible, we perform automated testing and streamlined manual testing based on statistical sampling techniques to get the best accessibility conformance results. For more information, contact: Luis Velarde.
- InnoCaption: InnoCaption is a mobile app for real-time captioning of phone calls through live stenographers or automated speech recognition - the user is in control. We are a certified IP CTS provider by the FCC. For more information, contact: Cristina Duarte.
- International Digital Center: Award winning, internationally recognized leaders in Audio Description. We feature the most diverse roster of talent in the industry including nearly two dozen members of the blind community. For more information, contact: Eric Wickstrom.
- Joyful Signing (Find in GSA Schedule 00CORP, and Schedule 70): Joyful Signing provides sign language interpretation and captioning services. For more information, contact: Greg Archambault.
- Microassist: Microassist offers custom learning development, Section 508 accessibility compliance testing and remediation, document remediation, and digital training for government agencies. For more information, contact: Dallas Richard.
- New Editions Consulting (Find in Contract Vehicles): New Editions provides unparalleled services in helping our clients implement Section 508 requirements, as well as conform to Section 508 standards and Success Criteria of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1 AAA). We provide advisory support to some of the Federal government’s largest civilian agencies, including support to develop policies and procedures to guide agency-wide implementation of Section 508 requirements. We also provide ongoing support to agencies to evaluate accessibility and help remediate conformance for websites, applications, electronic documents and other forms of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). For more information, contact: Cindy Ryan.
- Optimal Solutions Group (Find in GSA MAS; GSA Schedule 70; GSA OASIS SB Pool 1): iAccessible is SaaS that provides on-demand automated accessibility testing of websites, software applications, and documents combined with manual testing performed by DHS Trusted Testers. For more information, contact: Mark Turner.
- Rio Global (Find in GSA Schedule, NASA SEWP): AccessBot is a dedicated accessibility testing software with inbuilt support for the revised section 508 standards and the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). It is a web-based tool. For more information, contact: Chandra Sabbavarpu.
- Talking Eye Productions: Turnkey Audio description writing, recording, and post-production for videos for accessibility for the visually impaired. For more information, contact: Patti Wong.
- TPG Interactive (Find in GSA, SEWP, ITES): TPGi is a full-spectrum accessibility solutions provider. We offer a variety of software products and services intended to support enterprise organizations with their accessibility needs or programs. For more information, contact: Travis Brown.
Thank you
To all keynote speakers; breakout session moderators and panelists; attendees; IAAF volunteers, exhibitors and volunteers.
Reviewed/Updated: October 13, 2022