Accessibility Bytes No. 5: Alternative Text
Do you know some people rely only on a meaningful description of an image to understand the information contained in the image?
Alternative text, also known as alt text, is descriptive text that conveys the meaning of an image in digital content. It’s designed to make visual content accessible to people with vision disabilities.
Accessibility Bytes No. 4: Descriptive Links and Hypertext
Do you know some people rely only on the text of a hyperlink to navigate content to find the information they are looking for?
By ensuring links are descriptive, clear, and easy to navigate, you help all users, including those with disabilities, to access and understand your content effectively.
Accessibility Bytes No. 3: Use of Color
Do you know that some people experience difficulty understanding and comprehending information when we use only colors to convey it?
By meeting the use-of-color requirements, authors and agencies ensure that information isn't available through color only.
Accessibility Bytes No. 2: Color Contrast
Do you know some people experience difficulty reading or understanding information when we use certain colors to format text in a document, webpage, or captioned video?
Meeting the color contrast requirement ensures the visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1.
Accessibility Bytes No. 1: Use Document Accessibility Checkers
Need to create a Microsoft Word document but not sure how to make certain it meets Section 508 standards?
Before sharing or publishing your document, presentation, or spreadsheet, run the built-in Accessibility Checker to make sure your Microsoft Office content does not have easily identifiable accessibility issues. Run the Word Accessibility Checker in three-steps.
Trusted Tester for Web Certification Courses Version 5.1.3 Now Available
DHS recently announced the launch of the Trusted Tester for Web Certification courses version 5.1.3 (v5.1.3). This latest version brings a variety of improvements aimed at offering a more accessible and streamlined learning experience for participants.
DHS Trusted Tester Program Updates
In April 2018, the Department of Homeland Security announced some updates coming to the Trusted Tester Program, to align with recent updates to the Revised 508 Standards.
Microsoft Enhances Tests for Accessibility
Section 508’s Coordinators are often asked about ways to test technology for accessibility. Over the last year, Microsoft has worked to make this easier for its customers.